Yorks & Humbs CSSC Boat Championships 2001/2002 Report/Results Held on 'The Kimberley', off Bridlington on 30th September 2001 Although we had a full boat turn up unfortunalty Dave Green took ill on the jetty and could not join the party. Steve Ives his travelling partner stayed back to look after him and so also had to miss the match. Some will say Dave and Steve didn't miss much when others fished a great match. We left the harbour in the knowledge that there was a strong southerly wind blowing and that it would increase during the day. The forecast was also for heavy rain and yes we all got a bit wet! The skipper took us around the head where we anchored in the bay. Conditions were not too bad at first but got wetter and windier as the day went on. Right from the start Adrian Horner struck out for gold with an astonishing strike rate, especially as those around him were not even getting bites! Tony Brown did his best to keep up but very soon although the pair were well in front of others Adrian was pulling them in one after another and the results speak for themselves. Adrian fished an outstanding match and well deserved the trophy! The fish were of no great size with 2lb being the best weight of the day. Codling were in short supply and the main registered species was Ballan Wrasse. There were also the odd whiting, Dab and many of us were pestered by undersized Coalfish (nearly all just one inch under the limit). The journey back to port was a bit of fun as we headed into the wind and waves that were quite 'lumpy' by this time. The folk on the pier watching our return must have thought we were mad as we climbed off the boat and emptied half the sea from our pockets! Iain Colquhoun Organiser Place Competitor Weight 1 Adrian Horner 18.13 2 Tony Brown 8.12 3 Graham Rothwell 3.08 4 Barry Smith 2.04 5 Ron Coole 1.08 6 Steve Adkin 1.04 7 Barry Middlebrook 0.13 8 John Bisland 0.08 9 Harry Whitley 0.00 9 Iain Colquhoun 0.00 Well we can't win em all Harry can we! Adrian Horner, Tony Brown and Graham Rothwell will be representing Yorks & Humbs at the CSSC National Team Finals to be held at Beaumaris